Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, the Big 50!

I decided some time last year that I wanted a big deal made out of my birthday. I wanted a party and I didn't want to plan it myself. I didn't want a surprise party, I just wanted someone to do it for me, like Rob.
I love Rob, but he isn't the most creative sort so I know that throwing a party would be trying for him. I didn't think he could do it. So I hinted to my friends to help him out. Basically I said, don't let Rob screw this up! Take it over and make it good. So Mary and Amy did just that, along with help from a few others. They decided to make it a surprise. Of course I've got to know if anything is happening as I don't trust Rob to do anything or to just have a cake and my sisters over. I had given him specifics that I wanted all my friends to come, to have good food and drinks. So I asked him, if I needed to do anything - like plan it myself, which I would have done if needed. He kind of looked uncomfortable and said I didn't need to do anything.
Soon there was a news blackout. None of my friends are communicating with me. Especially Mary, which is weird as we spend half our day talking or emailing. So this makes be suspicious and relieved. So I start making Mary's life miserable. I keep calling her and emailing and she keeps trying to avoid me. I whine to her that I'm sure I can't count on Rob to do a party so I'm going to plan one for the 12th, knowing that she is going to be gone that weekend.
She finally breaks down and invites me to go out to dinner with her on the 5th, and bring Rob and my sister Caroline who is visiting. Next thing I get is some weird invitation from Amy to come to her house that same night for a couples dinner to celebrate good friends. Mary says that that sounds like more fun than dinner out. I'm like, "but I doubt Caroline will want to go and hang with strangers". So I try and drive everyone nuts knowing now that there will be a party and it will be either at Mary's or Amy's. So come Saturday morning, I send Mary and email that I'm really tired and not feeling great, so we might not be able to get together. And I tell this to Rob too, who starts to look sick himself.
Its now time to go to "pick up Mary" and I get changed and put on makeup - gotta look nice! And we head over to Mary's whose driveway is packed with cars. "Gee", I say, "what could be going on!?!" Surprise!! And it was a great party, the surprise was that they did invite all my friends. I had a wonderful time, the best party I have ever had. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends and I will have to do the same for them when the time comes.

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